
المعرفة و الثروة !

Knowledge is better than Wealth because of 7 Reasons:

1. Knowledge is inheritance of Prophets while wealth is inheritance of Firauns.

2. Knowledge Does not Diminish (rather increases) with spending, while wealth diminishes with spending.

3. Wealth requires to be protected, while knowledge protects its owner.

4. Knowledge will enter the Shroud while wealth will be prevented from doing so.

5. Wealth reaches both believers and unbelievers, while knowledge is reserved only for those who are worthy of it.
"إن الله يعطي الدنيا من يحب ومن لا يحب ، ولا يعطي الدين إلا لمن أحب"

6. Knowledge will facilitate passing over the while wealth will pore hurdles.
 7. People are always in need of scholars while they might not be in need of those possessing wealth. 

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